The General Enthusiast

We Get Behind It


Posted by Hope Ewing on 19 December, 2008

What I want to know is: how did people find things before the Internet?  Probably some secret person-to-person pipeline that has long since disappeared.  Like the Undergound Railroad or something.  Except of restaurant recommendations and doctors’ office numbers. 

There are a lot of review sites out there, but nothing has covered the scope and scale of my needs in life like Yelp.  Not only because it’s a for-real grassroots source of business information, but also because it is such a terrific outlet for one’s ENTHUSIASM about anything and everything. 

I’ve found restaurants, bars, thrift stores (a wholllle other enthusiasm post!) and veterinarians on Yelp and I have it on good authority that you can actually find a good gynecologist and dentist there, too.  The anonymous posters don’t usually lie – they have no incentive to unless there is a professional beef that needs addressing.  And that’s pretty good to know, too…

It’s the Internet as it should be.  yelp1

One Response to “Yelp!”

  1. Shichman said
    Love yelp!

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