The General Enthusiast

We Get Behind It

Wot’s all this?

Enthusiast (en-thu-si-ast) n. a person filled with enthusiasm for a particular pursuit; an ardent supporter: a Scrabble enthusiast, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Enthusiast.  

This, my friends, is what this site is all about, generally.  We are generally enthralled with many, many things and wish to share our joy in discovery of new things with everyone around us.  We think it’s nice. 

Pop culture is riddled with downtrodden messages, pointless irony and nihlism, and we’d like to offer a counter-point of sincere excitement. There’s already a shit-ton of valid misery going on in the world, so why create it needlessly? Here are the things we get behind.  We hope you will, too.

3 Responses to “Wot’s all this?”

  1. JL Palomino said

    I’m impressed. Very cool site. More things that are awesome: cats (in the words of my friend Lefty “cats are so worth-it, am I right?” he’s right.)
    Quilts- good luck finding one that’s actually hand-sewn (and not just hand-machine-sewn) these days. The older ones are amazing.
    Electronics– everyone’s into computer stuff- no harm with that, silicon makes the world a better place in so so many ways. But fining a person, not just an amateur-hour bender (again, no dis on bendies but…) with a hot soldering iron and a real knowledge of the math behnind those resistors, transisstors etc? Art, my friend.

    Kimonos. Where’s a good kimono or japanes textile show- in Japan those guys get the title “national living treasure” – here it’s scrap fabric for throw-pillows. Some Enthusiast should stop the western dumbing down of all that amazing intricate ceremonial work, to throw pillows and fodder for modern anime. (no dis on anime, but lets hear it for the art that inspired it.)

    Glass– lets talk about glass. It’s a liquid, it’s a solid, it can shatter ‘like glass’ or be bulletproof, you can make a talbe out of it, or blow it up like a giant wad of chewing gum. Mix it with gold and it turns dark ruby read. It anneals like metal but thermally behaves like stone. It’s made of sand but in the right hands, it’s worth more than weapons-grade plutonium.
    And an ordinary window is still molten and poured and scored and ‘broken’ into windows, just like in ancient olden days.
    Shout out to glass, all it does for us, and all the brilliant scientists and old-world craftspersons making magic of every-day objects.

    So many things to be entusiastic about, so little time!

    JL palomino, cause there’s a J.Palomino in the NYC area who, well, isn’t me. so — hang with the middle initial there.

  2. i like it, soldier!

  3. Steve said

    Just plain awesome

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