The General Enthusiast

We Get Behind It

Why we get behind it

Posted by Hope Ewing on 21 April, 2008

Enthusiast (en-thu-si-ast) n. a person filled with enthusiasm for a particular pursuit; an ardent supporter: a Scrabble enthusiast, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Enthusiast.

This, my friends, is what this site is all about, generally. We are generally enthralled with many, many things and wish to share our joy in discovery of new things with everyone around us. We think it’s nice.

Pop culture is riddled with downtrodden messages, pointless irony and nihlism, and we’d like to offer a counter-point of sincere excitement. There’s already a shit-ton of valid misery going on in the world, so why create it needlessly? Here are the things we get behind. We hope you will, too.

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