The General Enthusiast

We Get Behind It

What I ate for $5.50 in Chinatown this week.

Posted by generalenthusiast on 18 June, 2009


3 fried scallion cakes, 6 chive veg dumblings, and noodle soup for $5.50 at Sweet Spring Restaurant.

Semi- random things I thought about while I ate this:

  • Sometimes at work I hear people complaining about New York City and how much more they could have if they didn’t live here. They could have a huge backyard and lots of space. Inevitably they ask, “why oh why do they live in NY?”  I have always been very clear why I”m here. I am here for the food. This is one of the most delicious cities in the world. In addition (and I”ve been told that this is very specific to New York compared to other major cities), is you could have an amazing meal here for $100 a person almost as easily as you could have an amazing one for $5.50. This is of course so long as you know where to look.
  • I grew up eating Chinese food. Some of my earliest memories involve egg rolls.
  • Just in case you were unaware, in terms of non-chinatown American Chinese food Staten Island’s is fantabulous.
  • The way to juge American Chinese food is always by the fried rice. Fried rice should never be yellow. It must be brown and preferably not have square carrots and peas.

Sweet Spring Restaurant is located at 25A Catherine Street.

One Response to “What I ate for $5.50 in Chinatown this week.”

  1. mrsmiyagi said

    Though you have to admit it probably takes some real effort to make square peas. How industrial…

    When are we gonna get dim sum again?

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