The General Enthusiast

We Get Behind It

Butterflies and dinosaurs

Posted by generalenthusiast on 7 May, 2008

I get behind the Museum of Natural History. Stevey and I went there a few weeks ago and saw this amazing butterfly conservatory. Different species of butterflies were flying around and landing on backpacks, ears and other appendages. The exhibit is only running until May 26th so you need to go as soon as possible.

We saw other exhibits as well, but I would be lying to you if I told you I go to the museum for any other reason than to see the dinosaurs.

Before I get to discussing dinosaurs, please note: when you go to the museum of natural history its important that you realize that the admission price is a suggested donation. That’s not to say that I’m not for supporting the museum. The point is that anyone, regardless of income level can see a ginormous museum, and more importantly, two huge rooms full of dinosaur fossils. Dinosaurs are for everyone.**

There’s something awesome about dinosaurs that is almost beyond words. You’ll definitely feel that way as you walk around the two exhibit rooms. It will be important to go with a friend so you have someone to discuss what your favorite dinosaur is and why. For me its between a T-rex and the awesome stegosaurus. The fossil of the stegosaurus will make a convert out of you.***
If you can’t find anyone to go with you, and you’re desperate to have a dino-conversation pick someone at random in the museum to talk to. Note: avoid being creepy. You can also share random awesome dinosaur facts; for example scientist are pretty sure that velociraptors had feathers; or a megalodon could probably eat a T-rex. Note: random awesome dinosaur facts do not have to be limited to those learned at the museum.

As you make your way out of the exhibit, try to see some of the rest of the museum. This will invariably happen accidentally on your way to the dinosaurs and back toward the exit. The museum is huge so give yourself some time to get lost. Hopefully you’ll end up in the ocean exhibit to see the giant squid. You’re also guaranteed to see many large dioramas. Enjoy!

Recommended additional dino-activities:
  • Go see the huge, animatronic t-rex at the times square toys r us, which is much more awesome than the links suggests.
  • Re-Watch Jurassic Park’s 1 and 3. I know you love Jurassic park which was of course one of your favorite movies when you were little. Jurassic park 3 is amazingly bad and cheesy. (Or better yet read the books which are WAY better.)
  • Or spend two minutes watching this:
  • **butterflies are only for people willing to pay $18.50

    *** Leave comments about your favorite dinosaur!!!

3 Responses to “Butterflies and dinosaurs”

  1. Lindsay Sobczyk said

    What about Jurassic Park 2? Was is too bad to re-watch? I’ve never seen any of them, so I will have to watch them soon in order to be fully prepared for the museum.

  2. hope said

    Ankylasaurus. Hands down. Looks like an armadillo the size of a volkswagen.

  3. Andrea said

    I think the photo of the character from TV’s DINOSAURS that you posted here looks like Ira Einhorn if he were a dinosaur…who sold office supplies.

    I always liked terradactiles (sp?). My evolution prof’s grandson showed me pictures of these flying wonders in a book…and some of them were the size of tractor trailers!!!! It really amused me, though, that the displays at AMNH continuously stress to everyone viewing these exhibits that all info started is MERELY SPECULATION! THEY CANNOT BE PROVEN! Just in case you thought the AMNH is stating these things as facts, THEY ARE NOT FACTS! But please, read on about what theory we pulled out of our butts today.

    Disheartened by all this guessing, I decided to join the Mike Huckabee camp in believing that dinosaurs never existed and the earth is 6,000 years old.

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